Céline Timmerman (Belgium)
Wed 5 Mar 16:00
De Nieuwe Zaal, Hasselt
Scheepvaartkaai 16, 3500 Hasselt
Past event
5 Mar
16:00 - 16:55
Past event

Bobbety is a lonely soul. She wants to find company and make friends, but that doesn't really work out. So, she remains unhappy. There is only one thing to do: make a copy of herself. A clone, a doppelgänger. Because then she has a friend who she really knows and with whom she can certainly have fun. And yes, 'so it happened'! 
But... these new Bobbetys appear to have a mind of their own. This makes friendship a bit difficult, she thinks. Even worse, what was once a wish for friendship now suddenly becomes a struggle to preserve her individuality. In short: Bobbety against the Bobbetys! 
Brace yourself for a visual and musical performance about a lonely soul in search of her best friend.

About the company

Céline Timmerman (1990) is a Belgian theatre maker and actress. After studying Visual Arts in Ghent, she graduated as a theatre maker from the Maastricht Theater Academy in 2016. In her work, Céline is always looking for the meeting between visual art and theater. As an actress she played in several TV-series. In 2019 she won the Cross over Pitch Audience Award. 


creation & director Céline Timmerman / performers Pieter Delfosse, Sofie Joan Wouters & Céline Timmerman / music Fien Van der Aa & Elisabeth De Loore / light Sander Salden / set Céline Timmerman / costumes Anja Spillier / coach Karolien Verlinden / coproduction HET LAB