Krokusfestival is a party for a ‘young audience’, so we would like to let you decide what the ‘best’ performance is!

That is a ‘serious’ matter (yes, but also nice), so you have to be well prepared. That is why you will practice beforehand, and that with a real professional coach (also a director and actress herself) Els Roobroeck.

We expect you at the following two performances (so make sure you're available those days):

  • De bleke baron by Kopergietery, on Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 7:30 pm
  • Pop! by L’anneau Théâtre on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 4:00 pm

During the festival (February 26 – March 6, 2025) you will watch a series of performances and then decide together who will receive the prize.


Then send an email to with your name, age and explain to us in an original way why we should choose you as a jury member!