All information regarding performances and activities is based on data as of December 2024 as provided by producers, companies and artists. Changes and misprints reserved.

CCHA/Krokusfestival is concerned about your privacy, respects it and takes the necessary precautions to protect your data from misuse. All personal data you provide by mail, online forms, phone or regular mail will be included in CCHA's files.  These data are used to process your order, notify you in case of changes and keep you informed about the program, including all activities of Krokusfestival.

In the context of optimizing professional contacts between professional companies, impresarios, producers and/or artists presenting a show at the festival and professional programmers, festival directors or anyone professionally registering as a festival visitor, these persons/organizations give permission to the organizers to let their contact details (being only name, organization and mail address) be known to each other in a summary list in the context of one festival edition. If they do not wish to do so, they must notify the organizer in advance.

In accordance with the Privacy Act of December 8, 1998 and the GDPR or AVG of May 25, 2018, CCHA/Krokusfestival takes the necessary steps regarding transparency, accuracy and integrity of your data and its possible use. More info can be found here.