Lijfbouwers / Building Bodies (12+)

Kopergietery (Belgium)
Sat 1 Mar 20:30 - 21:35
De Nieuwe Zaal, Hasselt
Scheepvaartkaai 16, 3500 Hasselt
Past event
1 Mar
20:30 - 21:35
Past event

We regret to inform you that the performance of Lijfbouwers / Building bodies on Saturday the 1st of March cannot take place due to illness of one of the cast members. Tickets will be reimbursed. 


An ode to our strength and our vulnerability.

For Lijfbouwers (Building Bodies), choreographer Jotka Bauwens challenges three stage performers to a physical and mental rollercoaster. Under the guidance of world bodybuilding champion Kurt De Taeye, performers Elias Vandenbroucke, Patrick Vervueren and Jeffrey Jackson Loewenicht follow a professional bodybuilding workout for two months. Their bodies are measured, nutrition schedules drawn up, a daily workout established. They get a workout in which the body and mind face major challenges.

Which feelings, thoughts or physical sensations are released?
Who experiences new strengths, or who gets frustrated?
How far will they (want to) go?
What does this do to each of them as a person, what does this do to them as a group?

Searching for answers to all of these questions, they build Lijfbouwers together with Jotka. A visual-physical performance about strength, insecurities and vulnerability. One thing is certain: our bodies and minds are capable of much more than we think. 


concept & direction Jotka Bauwens / performers Jeffrey Jackson Loewenicht, Elias Vandenbroecke & Patrick Vervueren / final direction Randi De Vlieghe / coaching Fée Roels / costumes Valerie Le Roy / © Jotka Bauwens & Sarah Vanheuverzwijn